Luis N. Rivera-Pagán is the Henry Winters Luce Professor of Ecumenics and Mission Emeritus at Princeton Theological Seminary. A graduate of Seminario Evangélico de Puerto Rico (MDiv) and Yale University (PhD), he is the author of numerous publications. Among his books are Mito exilio y demonios: literatura y teología en América Latina (1996), Evangelización y violencia: La conquista de América (1990) / A Violent Evangelism: The Political and Religious Conquest of the Americas (1992), and Ensayos teológicos desde el Caribe (2013); and he is the editor of God, in Your Grace …: Official Report of the Ninth Assembly of the World Council of Churches (2007). His chapter, “Towards a Decolonial Theology: Perspectives from the Caribbean,” is included in Raimundo Barreto and Roberto Sirvent, eds., Decolonial Christianities: Latinx and Latin American Perspectives (2019).